About: µ-BioRefinery™ by DalinYebo

No interference with water or food No interference with water or food (Image: DalinYebo)
in propinquitatem ad biomas *

DalinYebo's µ-BioRefinery™ makes use of simple, fit-for-purpose processing equipment that is installed close to the biomass source to produce bio-renewable chemicals and biobased electricity. µ-BioRefinery™ is based on a smart down-scaling and integration of proven existing technologies (and their mass and energy balance). It will bring benefit to:

  Sugarcane (incl. sweet stem sorghum) farmers .. especially the small scale growers

Agricultural residues (corncobs, sunflower husks, rice husks, oat hulls, etc.)

Cellulose (tree tops and limbs, pulp mill liquors and/or waste water, cellulosic ethanol pretreatment)

(Chemical-) Thermo-Mechanical pretreatment of lignocellulosic biodigestor feeds

µ-BioRefinery™ is ..

Small and viable

Scalable and/or Replicable

For more information ..

.. contact us or follow our tweets etc.

* see our apology to the Scholars of Latin and Greek.